Friday 4 November 2005

I'm being watched

Thanks for keeping an eye on my blog, Hugh, it helps to keep me honest. Yours makes good reading too - I love that snake, I'm going to copy the idea when I have a place of my own to put it in. I seem to have given myself a day off from being good. I have done no job-hunting activities or walking, and I spent the afternoon playing Ratchet and Clank on the playstation and had fish and chips for tea. I didn't even update my blog - I'm faking the timestamp, because I'm really doing it after 1am but I want it to appear with the right date - should show up as November 4, 23:59. Tomorrow I will do better, I'm thinking of doing a long flat walk along one of the main roads, just going as far as I feel like going and then catching a bus home. I had better do something job-hunting-wise too. I got home this evening and found that my lastest application has not been successful, so it's time to get some more on the go.

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