Wednesday 12 January 2011

Doing okay, I guess

I went to see the doctor this morning, and it seems I've lost about 3kg since the last time I stood on her scales. I choose to believe this is a result of my efforts at the gym, and not because I was a bit hyperthyroid for a few weeks while I was over-medicated with thyroxine.

Speaking of the thyroid thing... It feels like I'm always yoyo-ing between over and under medication, and the only time I feel good is in the transition phase.  4 tablets a day is definitely too much, but alternating between 3 and 4 is definitely not enough.  It's like trying to walk a razorback ridge in a 40-knot gale, almost impossible to get the right balance.

I also feel somewhat cheated (not by anyone in particular, I add hastily, just the dreaded System). Supposedly, after the RAI treatment (radioactive iodine) I was supposed to be able to go on a steady dose, and it would just need a little tweaking in the first year or two to get it right. Well, that was about 4 years ago I think, maybe longer, and here I am still lurching from overdose to underdose. I am not particularly impressed by the way our health system has handled my case.

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