Monday 2 August 2010

It seems to be working!

Tonight I extended my walking session to 20 minutes, and it felt no
harder than the first ten-minute session I did three weeks ago.

I have also noticed a difference in the way I feel about walking
generally. I no longer mind the walk if I have to park further away
from work than usual. It costs more, and takes longer to get to work,
but it's now more a nuisance than a big deal. This feels better.


Meg said...

Good on you! I've been doing JK's Journal and picked gardening as my activity (always very practical, I am...) so I've been trying to get outside as often as I can. Doesn't always work, but definitely outside far more often than any other year in the last 10??

LRW said...

Hi Meg,

Pardon my ignorance, I haven't heard of JK's Journal before. What is it?
