Wednesday 24 December 2003

Scary stuff

A close family member has been found to have excess blood-sugar levels in two consecutive tests, and therefore almost certainly has diabetes.  From my point of view, of course, that means that my risk of contracting the same disease has just taken a major hike, so my need for exercise and fitness has taken on an extra level of urgency. I found another way through to Broken Hill Rd.  There's not a lot in the way of picturesque subjects in that rather sad-looking industrial area, but one of the businesses has a row of young bottlebrush trees along the boundary which provide a welcome splash of colour at this time of year.  I persuaded one branch to hold still while I took a close-up.
I still have a few retrospective posts to finish off.  Why bother? Because this is my way of keeping tabs on my efforts - one day I'll be able to look back and say "this is where I started and that's what I did".  Plus, I took the photos, what else am I going to do with them?

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