Inside every f.a.t girl there's a skinny girl and a whole lot of chocolate; this blog is dedicated to my erratic attempts to set the skinny girl free (consisting mainly of walking up hills, and stopping to look at things along the way.)
Occasionally, I may rant.
Thursday, 21 October 2010
Saturday, 2 October 2010
OMG, what a week!
Monday, 13 September 2010
Wednesday, 1 September 2010
Now THAT was a workout
Saturday, 28 August 2010
Getting back on the horse
I extended my walking time to 30 minutes today. I nudged the heart rate limit back down to 126bpm to make sure I would make it through the time without hurting my back, and sure enough, it worked! So hopefully tomorrow I will come back and do it again with more effort.
I also, at last, added in some of the weights exercises and ab crunches that my trainer gave me a week ago. I don't know how many times a week I'll be able to do this, because it adds another half an hour onto my workout time.
And finally, I'm still very cross with that iPhone app that won't run any more. It was going to be the perfect way to make my progress visible because I could do the data entry immediately after the session and the graphs could be posted here straight away if they were interesting. I'm contemplating the possibility of upgrading the iPhone to the latest OS version, but I've heard a few horror stories about the performance post-upgrade, and frankly, it isn't exactly lightning quick as it is. Maybe I should have got a 3GS instead of going for the older less expensive model.
Slacking off a bit
Tuesday, 24 August 2010
Battling the blues
When it comes to strategies for dealing with depression, getting enough sleep is high on the list. It's hard enough to overcome that "can't be bothered" feeling without adding the opportunity for the "I'm too tired" excuse.
Another thing that helps no end is turning off news programmes - it's mostly bad anyway - and instead listening to music that cheers you up. Personally, I like Radio Hauraki for this.
And one last thing - avoid looking directly at the mountain of work ahead of you, whatever it might be, and focus on making progress with little tasks. Give yourself a pat on the back, even for the smallest achievements.
Saturday, 21 August 2010
Out into the real world again
walk in the Sanctuary (now known as Zealandia). It was the first time
we've been there together for about two years, and we were soon asking
ourselves why we had left it so long. It wasn't a long walk, but very
Saturday, 7 August 2010
Wednesday, 4 August 2010
Minus 10 points for modern technology
doesn't work any more. An update came out, so I updated it, and now it
crashes when I try to run it. Grrrrrrrr!
Tuesday, 3 August 2010
It's getting easier
most of the way. If I had not started this walking habit, my lower
back would have been giving me hell - but it was fine. My knees, too,
are feeling the benefit of the exercise. When I first started they
were making themselves known by the end of my ten minutes, but today
they are still okay after twenty. Yay!
Monday, 2 August 2010
It seems to be working!
harder than the first ten-minute session I did three weeks ago.
I have also noticed a difference in the way I feel about walking
generally. I no longer mind the walk if I have to park further away
from work than usual. It costs more, and takes longer to get to work,
but it's now more a nuisance than a big deal. This feels better.
Saturday, 31 July 2010
A fresh look
Three weeks in
Time to focus on the positive. I've just posted my exercise record for the first three weeks. I'm pleased with my 6-day streak last week, and I'm pleased to say it's feeling good to go to the gym after work every weekday. I've averaged five big red ticks a week - let's see if I can get it up to 6 over August.
Friday, 30 July 2010
Establishing a benchmark
measurements are taken under consistent conditions. So from now on
I'll take care to set up the treadmill programme the same way each
time I do a session where I'm recording the stats. I'm setting a
target heart rate of 126 bpm, and entering my current weight including
shoes. Starting from the session I've just done, I'm also recording my
normal heart rate before I start exercising (tonight it was 90, which
was lower than I expected.) Benchmark sessions will be Tuesdays and/or
Fridays, since those are the days I'm pushed for time and I'll need to
keep those sessions short. I also want to get my blood pressure
checked about once a month. Am I collecting enough stats yet? I think
that will do for now!
Thursday, 29 July 2010
Monday, 19 July 2010
Starting-again point
I just calculated my BMI, it came out around 55. I can climb one flight of stairs, but I have to stop and catch my breath at the top. I get lower back pain; if I walk from one end of Lambton Quay to the other, I have to stop and rest my back along the way. My knees are wearing out and I have been diagnosed with "degenerative osteoarthritis" (which I think just means my knees are wearing out). I also have a thyroid condition called Graves' Disease, and I supposedly have polycystic ovarian syndrome (although no actual cysts were found when they looked). I think that covers the main points, and that's quite enough of the depressing stuff for now.
The starting point of my training regime is quite simple. It's ten minutes of walking or more a day, either on flat ground or on a treadmill at the gym. The plan at this stage is to build up from there, and by the time summer comes around I should be able to go back to my hills and nature walks.
I'll be posting a calendar like this every so often. The big red ticks show my first week of activity.